What is this? The 1900s? Are you hand delivering offers?

When Representing the buy side:

Recently, they made a change to the RPA Revised 12/22 regarding buyer agent deliver of an offer and how listing agents receive the offer and/or acceptance! IF you do NOT check the boxes you will be transported back to the 1900s where you were required to hand deliver your offers. Even though many are not adhering to the new rule, please do NOT get snagged by this change!

The Problem: Not checkmarking how you are delivering your offer and how you will receive acceptance of that offer. As mentioned above, the default is now a physical copy. You now HAVE to checkmark how you will be delivering and accepting an offer.

Why It's Important: When this is enforced, the acceptance date will have to be when you received a physical copy if you don’t check them off, and since we're no longer in the era of driving this over to the other agent and stamping the date on it, its going to be very difficult to figure that out when acceptance is, which is important for starting timelines and meeting contractual deadlines.

How to Avoid this: By adding a checkmark to both boxes on the RPA for both sides, 5A or 5B. This can help streamline the transaction process and ensure timely delivery and acceptance of offers

Don’t worry if you’ve already made this mistake, C.A.R is very good about adding forms that help correct these mistakes after the fact. The [DEDA] Designated Electronic Delivery Address form can help clear things up. However, it is always better to prevent this headache in advance and avoid having to explain to your clients why you’re sending another form over to correct a mistake 🤕


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